Fire Police Members
In 1941, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed an act allowing the creation of Special Fire Police to provide assistance to local and municipal police forces during times of emergencies. The past and current members of the Harleysville Fire Company Fire Police have done, and continue to do just that.
The members of the Harleysville Fire Police are volunteers, as are most of the fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers. They come from all walks of life and have a variety of backgrounds. They are your neighbors, your friends, or your co-workers. They are people who enjoy living in this community and are willing to give some of their spare time to support the emergency services of the community. Some may have experience in other areas of emergency services. However, they all share one thing…. a desire to serve their community.

The Assignment
The members of the Harleysville Fire Police are tasked with three main objectives during an emergency…

Traffic Control

Crowd Control

Scene Security
During an emergency, a Harleysville Fire Police officer has the police authority necessary to carry out their duties. A Harleysville Fire Police officer’s traffic signals supersede any stop signs, traffic lights or other traffic control devices. Law Enforcement may prosecute Violations of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code, and fines can be levied and points may be awarded. The Harleysville Fire Police are sometimes utilized by the local police department during nonemergency times to augment their forces to perform traffic and crowd control duties Disobeying a Fire Police Officer is the same as disobeying a Police Officer, Sheriff’s Deputy or State Trooper and assaulting one is a felony.
The following Do’s and Don’ts are offered as to how to assist the Harleysville Fire Police, as well as other Harleysville Fire Company emergency services personnel, in their duties.
DO yield the right-of way to oncoming and overtaking Emergency Vehicles by pulling as far to the right of the highway as possible and coming to a complete stop. This includes any ‘blue lights’ on personal cars. Although these lights are labeled as ‘courtesy” lights, they are permitted by Pennsylvania State Law and you are asked to give the people using them the ‘courtesy’ of allowing them to pass.
DO follow the traffic direction signals of the Harleysville Fire Police at an intersection, emergency scene, or other special event.
DO keep back 500 feet from all Emergency Vehicles when they are responding to an alarm or an emergency.
When approaching a hose on the roadway, DO NOT drive up to or over any fire hose except at the direction of an officer…fines can reach over $100.00 for an offense and could result in the hose bursting preventing the suppression of the fire or worse, causing loss of life.
DO NOT stop to ask for information about the incident while driving by. If directions are needed, find a safe place off the road to park and then approach an officer.
DO consider volunteering some of your time to support your community as part of the Harleysville Fire Company in the Fire Police Division.
DO move over and slow down when approaching an emergency scene (Fire, Police, Tow). It is Pennsylvania law and you could be ticketed and fined.
In Pennsylvania on average:
- 355 reportable traffic crashes occur each day (approximately 15 crashes every hour)
- 3 persons are fatally injured in reportable crashes each day (one fatality every eight hours)
- 227 persons are injured in reportable crashes each day (about 9 injuries every hour)
Please contact the Fire Station if you would like more information or are interested in the Fire Police. We meet every 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM for training every month, so stop by. We’d enjoy meeting you.
Fire Police Officers
John Rubery
John Maguire
Fire Police
Laura Bush
William Bush
Evan Clemmer
Tony Ditlow
Jennifer Dusza
Nancy K. Harwanko
Kevin Hill
Brian Kriebel
John Maguire III
Claude Moyer
Dennis Moyer
Donald Richards
John Rubery
Justin Weikel
Lance Wolf
Past Fire Police Captains
Ronald Hubley

Providing a quick, safe, and effective response to emergencies in Lower Salford Township and surrounding communities
Contact Us
274 Kulp Road
Harleysville, PA 19438
Phone: 215-256-9657
Fax: 215-256-1359
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