Why Donations Matter
Your Donation Counts in a big way!!!
Operating your firehouse is an expensive endeavor, even with the tremendous cost savings volunteer members provide. Any contributions help. The Harleysville Community Fire Company is a 501c(3) organization, so your contributions are tax-deductible.
We have three primary means of financial support:
- Contributions from Lower Salford Township for our general fund budget.
- A state relief fund for gear and equipment. (If granted)
- Our fund drive for donations from the residents of Lower Salford.
The Township contributions and state relief fund are a help, but donations still make up 40% of our budgeted revenue each year.
Common Operating Expenses
Average Cost Description
Annual facility operational costs, incl. utilities & maintenance for our building, combined fleet maintenance for 9 vehicles.
The average cost to equip a firefighter in full gear including breathing apparatus and portable radio. It’s staggering to think that when you see firefighters in full gear, you’re looking at that much of financial investment in just personal safety equipment for one firefighter.
Fire engine
Hose line
Thermal imaging camera used to see through blinding smoke to search for people trapped in a house
Operating your firehouse is an expensive endeavor, even with the tremendous cost savings volunteer members provide. Any contributions help. The Harleysville Community Fire Company is a 501c(3) organization, so your contributions are tax-deductible.
We have three primary means of financial support:
- Contributions from Lower Salford Township for our general fund budget.
- A state relief fund for gear and equipment. (If granted)
- Our fund drive for donations from the residents of Lower Salford.
The Township contributions and state relief fund are a help, but donations still make up 40% of our budgeted revenue each year.
Common Operating Expenses
Average Cost Description
Annual facility operational costs, incl. utilities & maintenance for our building, combined fleet maintenance for 9 vehicles.
The average cost to equip a firefighter in full gear including breathing apparatus and portable radio. It’s staggering to think that when you see firefighters in full gear, you’re looking at that much of financial investment in just personal safety equipment for one firefighter.
Fire engine
Hose line
Thermal imaging camera used to see through blinding smoke to search for people trapped in a house
So how can you help?
Annual Mail Fund Drive
If you are a Lower Salford resident or business, we conduct a fund drive by mail each year. Here’s what you should know:
The mailing goes out in August. Submit your donation in an envelope. The mailing address is on the mailer, or now you can submit your donation online through our website at harleysvillefire.org.
If you have any questions about the status of your donation, feel free to contact us at the station, or via the contact form on our website.
Donate by Mail
Please make your tax-deductible donation payable to the Harleysville Community Fire Company. To simplify the processing of your donation for the annual fund drive, write “Attention Annual Fund Drive” on the envelope or note “Annual Fund Drive” on the check subject line. If you are not a resident, simply mail the check to:
Harleysville Community Fire Company
274 Kulp Rd
Harleysville, PA 19438
Donate Online
Donate securely online, just go to our website at Harleysvillefire.org and click the donation button. Also, Amazon Smile will donate a portion of your purchases directly to Harleysville Community Fire Company. So when you are shopping on Amazon please use smile.amazon.com and select our station as your charity.
What does your contribution support?
Facility & Equipment
We operate out of our station, located at 274 Kulp Rd, which is owned by us. The fleet consists of 9 vehicles including 1 engine, 1 ladder, 1 squad/rescue, 1 tanker, 1 utility/brush truck, 2 fire police trucks, and 2 command vehicles. We also maintain our antique fire engine, an American LeFrance.
The Harleysville Community Fire Company is the fire service provider for Lower Salford Township and a part of Franconia Township. We cover 15 square miles, with a population of over 15,000 plus residents. We also provide regular automatic and mutual aid to neighboring communities.
In addition to fire responses, we respond to vehicle crashes, carbon monoxide alarms, gas leaks, downed power lines, quick-response medical emergencies, and much more. In 2022, we anticipate responding to nearly 350 calls including fire and medical emergencies.
Training & Education
It takes a lot to become a firefighter, and then maintain the necessary skills. New members working towards certification as structural firefighters will spend over 180 hours in training. The average member spends about 40 hours in training and drills each year. Weekly training and drills are offered in-house each Tuesday evening, and sometimes on other days of the week. Members are also able to take advantage of formal training and education at local fire academies, training conferences, the state fire academy, and many other resources.
We at the Harleysville Community Fire Company thank you deeply for your support. Without you, all that we do would not be possible. We have served this community for 100 years, and genuinely look forward to serving this community for the next 100 years, with your support.
Providing a quick, safe, and effective response to emergencies in Lower Salford Township and surrounding communities
Contact Us
274 Kulp Road
Harleysville, PA 19438
Phone: 215-256-9657
Fax: 215-256-1359
Support Us
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